I've been experimenting with Google Sites to make websites for my courses. Here is my first go:
sites.google.com/view/cather-religion-media I'm still updating it, but I have to teach, so I'm on the run.
UPDATE: I went on a Saul Bellow kick: 65. The Adventures of Augie March 66. Herzog 67. Mr. Sammler's Planet 68. Humboldt's Gift and then a Michael Lewis stint: 69. The Big Short 70. The Undoing Project 71. Liar's Poker 72.* Don Quixote (Part One) -- I ran out of time before I could finish part two, and the Chicago Public Library repossessed the book. Thanksgiving break was great, but it meant less time in the car, and so less time with El Caballero de la triste figura. 73. Francine Prose: Reading Like a Writer (this is, apparently, her actual name) 74. David Brooks: The Road to Character 75. Dostoevsky: Crime and Punishment ----- The books that I read this year in actual book format were mostly for the classes I was teaching or else for bedtime reading with my son (I will let you guess which is which). 1. Genesis 2. The Gospel of Mark 3. The Acts of the Apostles 4. Job 5. Augustine: Enchiridion (the Handbook on Faith, Hope, and Love) 6. Plato: Apology 7. Crito 8. Euthryphro 9. Machiavelli: The Prince 10. Robert Bolt: A Man for All Seasons 11. Aristotle: Nichomachean Ethics 12. Cicero: On Obligations 13. Kant: Grounding of the Metaphysics of Morals 14. Mill: Utilitarianism 15. Aquinas: Treatise on the One God (Which is really just a longer section of his Summa) 16. Alice in Wonderland 17. The Invention of Hugo Cabret 18. The Wind in the Willows 19. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (the CORRECT way to begin the Narnia series) 20. Prince Caspian 21. Voyage othe f Dawn Treader 22. The Silver Chair 23. A Horse and His Boy 24. The Magician's Nephew 25. The Last Battle |
AuthorThis is a place where I might submit things I've written. Maybe. Archives
May 2021